… to this blog, which, as the subtitle suggests, is about the point where law meets life.
You can find a brief description of the purpose of the blog here, and an explanation for its title here.
When I began the blog, I said that my posts would be infrequent. In fact, they now number almost 50, and they deal with subjects such as the Mental Health Act, the Mental Capacity Act, the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and inquests.
Initially, I saw the blog as a way of publicising the book whose title it shares, and along the way, I have also used it – somewhat shamelessly – to plug other publications, including my book on the nearest relative.
In the last eighteen months, however, I have also written about many other things as well, from vulnerable adults and fertility law to treating children, withholding mail and imprisoning transsexuals. And I have also discussed the medieval Ship of Fools (as imagined by Foucault) and tried to argue that coroners are just like professional wrestlers. You can find those posts, and many others, right here.
This is my only presence in cyberspace. I’m not on facebook, bebo or skype and – mercifully, I think – you won’t catch me tweeting (although I have just returned from a long walk, am now drinking a very nice cup of coffee and shall shortly be reading some PG Wodehouse).
If you would like to comment on this blog or its posts, please write to me at tendency@btinternet.com
Oh, and Happy New Year!